Gaming PC Retailers In Sydney
The best of the gaming PC retailers in Sydney
You've come to the right place
- Do you need a powerful custom gaming PC Sydney built for you that will keep longevity and upgradeability front of mind?
- Do you need peace of mind knowing that your new PC was built in Australia, using Australia sourced parts, with a local Aussie warranty?
- Do you need something special that you can’t just buy off the shelf?
- We have warehouses in every major state.
We can help you find the PC you need, build it for you and support you for it’s entire life.
Of all the gaming PC retailers in Sydney, we’ve delivered many PCs near you.
Each PC is built by professionally trained PC builders and as a customer, you are never left guessing thanks to our unique build tracker board that everyone loves.
You can see the updates in real time. When we fit the motherboard, when we installed the graphics card, when we tested the performance and when we package it up, ready to go.
See for yourself:

Raising the bar
“Great customer service with fantastic communication during the build. The PC is excellent quality and built with care. Would highly recommend to anyone.”
“Amazing and transparent services, let me see everything that happened during the build. Amazing customer service. Would recommend to anyone looking for gaming pc retailers in Sydney.”
“I love my new machine, thanks a lot! I was very impressed with both the quality of the work and the quality of the interaction, with complete transparency about the build process and frequent communication.”
Sydney suburbs we deliver to
Abbotsbury | Daceyville | Lawson | Revesby |
Abbotsford | Daleys Point | Leichhardt | Revesby North |
Acacia Gardens | Dangar Island | Lemon Tree | Rhodes |
Airds | Darkes Forest | Leonay | Richmond |
Alexandria | Darling Point | Leppington | Richmond |
Alexandria | Darlinghurst | Lethbridge Park | Riverstone |
Alfords Point | Darlinghurst | Leumeah | Riverview |
Allambie | Darlington | Lewisham | Riverwood |
Allambie Heights | Davidson | Lidcombe | Rockdale |
Allawah | Davistown | Lidcombe | Rockdale Dc |
Ambarvale | Dawes Point | Lilli Pilli | Rodd Point |
Annandale | Dean Park | Lilyfield | Rooty Hill |
Annangrove | Dee Why | Linden | Rose Bay |
Appin | Denham Court | Lindfield | Rose Bay North |
Arcadia | Denistone | Lindfield West | Rosebery |
Arcadia Vale | Denistone East | Linley Point | Rosebery |
Arncliffe | Denistone West | Lisarow | Rosehill |
Artarmon | Dharruk | Little Bay | Roselands |
Artarmon | Dolans Bay | Liverpool | Rosemeadow |
Ashbury | Doonside | Liverpool | Roseville |
Ashcroft | Dooralong | Liverpool Bc | Rossmore |
Ashfield | Dora Creek | Liverpool South | Round Corner |
Ashfield | Double Bay | Llandilo | Rouse Hill |
Asquith | Double Bay | Loftus | Royal Exchange |
Auburn | Douglas Park | Londonderry | Royal North Shore Hospital |
Auburn | Dover Heights | Long Jetty | Rozelle |
Audley | Doyalson | Long Jetty Dc | Ruse |
Austinmer | Drummoyne | Long Point | Rushcutters Bay |
Austral | Drummoyne | Longueville | Russell Lea |
Australia Square | Duffys Forest | Lovett Bay | Russell Vale |
Avalon Beach | Dulwich Hill | Lower Hawkesbury | Rydalmere |
Avoca Beach | Dundas | Lower Mangrove | Rydalmere Bc |
Awaba | Dural | Lucas Heights | Ryde |
Badgerys Creek | Durren Durren | Luddenham | Ryde |
Balgowlah | Eagle Vale | Lugarno | Sadleir |
Balgowlah Distribution Centre | Earlwood | Lurnea | San Remo |
Balgownie | East Gosford | Macmasters Beach | Sandringham |
Balmain | East Hills | Macquarie Centre | Sandy Point |
Balmoral | East Lindfield | Macquarie Fields | Sans Souci |
Balmoral Village | East Ryde | Macquarie Links | Saratoga |
Bangor | Eastern Creek | Macquarie Park | Scarborough |
Banksia | Eastern s Mc | Macquarie University | Schofields |
Banksmeadow | Eastgardens | Maianbar | Scotland Island |
Bankstown | Eastlakes | Malabar | Seaforth |
Bankstown | Eastwood | Manahan | Sefton |
Bankstown North | Edensor Park | Mandalong | Seven Hills |
Bankstown Square | Edgecliff | Mangerton | Seven Hills |
Barden Ridge | Edmondson Park | Mangrove Mountain | Seven Hills West |
Bardwell Park | Elanora Heights | Manly | Shalvey |
Bardwell Valley | Elderslie | Manly | Shanes Park |
Bass Hill | Elizabeth Bay | Manly Vale | Shelly Beach |
Bateau Bay | Ellis Lane | Mannering Park | Silverdale |
Baulkham Hills | Elvina Bay | Maraylya | Silverwater |
Baulkham Hills | Emerton | Marayong | Silverwater |
Bay Village | Empire Bay | Marks Point | Silverwater |
Bayview | Emu Plains | Maroubra | Smithfield |
Beacon Hill | Enfield | Marrickville | Smithfield West |
Beaconsfield | Enfield South | Marrickville | Somersby |
Beaconsfield | Engadine | Marrickville Metro | South Coast Mc |
Beaumont Hills | Englorie Park | Marrickville South | South Hurstville |
Beecroft | Enmore | Marsden Park | South Turramurra |
Belfield | Epping | Marsfield | Southern s Mc |
Bella Vista | Epping | Martinsville | Spencer |
Bellambi | Eraring | Mascot | Spit Junction |
Bellevue Hill | Erina | Mascot | Springfield |
Belmont | Erina Fair | Matcham | Springwood |
Belmore | Erina Heights | Matraville | St Albans |
Belrose | Ermington | Mays Hill | St Andrews |
Belrose West | Ermington | Mcmahons Point | St Clair |
Ben Buckler | Erskine Park | Meadowbank | St Helens Park |
Bensville | Erskineville | Megalong | St Huberts Island |
Berala | Eschol Park | Melrose Park | St Ives |
Berkeley | Ettalong Beach | Menai | St James |
Berkeley Vale | Eveleigh | Menai Central | St Johns Park |
Berkshire Park | Fairfield | Menangle | St Leonards |
Berowra | Fairfield | Menangle Park | St Leonards |
Berowra Heights | Fairfield East | Merrylands | St Marys |
Berowra Waters | Fairfield Heights | Merrylands West | St Marys |
Berrilee | Fairfield West | Middle Camp | St Pauls |
Beverley Park | Fairlight | Middle Cove | St Peters |
Beverly Hills | Fairy Meadow | Miller | St Peters Dc |
Bexley | Farmborough Heights | Millers Point | Stanhope Gardens |
Bexley North | Fassifern | Milperra | Stanmore |
Bexley South | Faulconbridge | Milperra Dc | Stanwell Park |
Bidwill | Fennell Bay | Milsons Passage | Stanwell Tops |
Bilgola | Fiddletown | Milsons Point | Strathfield |
Bilpin | Figtree | Milsons Point | Strathfield South |
Birchgrove | Fishing Point | Minchinbury | Strathfield West |
Birrong | Five Dock | Minto | Strawberry Hills |
Blackalls Park | Floraville | Miranda | Summer Hill |
Blackett | Forestville | Miranda | Summerland Point |
Blackheath | Forresters Beach | Mirrabooka | Sunshine |
Blacksmiths | Frenchs Forest | Missenden Road | Surry Hills |
Blacktown | Frenchs Forest | Model Farms | Sutherland |
Blacktown Westpoint | Frenchs Forest | Mona Vale | Sutherland |
Blackwall | Frenchs Forest Dc | Mona Vale | Swansea |
Blair Athol | Galston | Monash Park | Sydenham |
Blairmount | Garden Island | Monterey | Sydney |
Blakehurst | Georges Hall | Mooney Mooney | Sydney |
Blaxcell | Gilead | Moore Park | Sydney Domestic Airport |
Blaxland | Girraween | Moorebank | Sydney International Airport |
Blaxlands Ridge | Gladesville | Moorebank | Sydney Markets |
Blenheim Road | Gladesville | Morisset | Sydney South |
Blue Bay | Glebe | Mortdale | Sydney South |
Blue Haven | Glen Alpine | Mortlake | Sylvania |
Bolton Point | Glenbrook | Mosman | Sylvania Southgate |
Bondi | Glendenning | Mount Annan | Sylvania Waters |
Bondi Beach | Glenfield | Mount Colah | Tacoma |
Bondi Junction | Glenhaven | Mount Druitt | Tahmoor |
Bondi Junction | Glenmore Park | Mount Hunter | Tamarama |
Bonnells Bay | Glenning Valley | Mount Keira | Taren Point |
Bonnet Bay | Glenorie | Mount Kembla | Taren Point Dc |
Bonnyrigg | Glenwood | Mount Kuring-Gai | Tarrawanna |
Bonnyrigg Heights | Gordon | Mount Lewis | Tascott |
Booker Bay | Gore Hill | Mount Lewis | Telopea |
Bossley Park | Gorokan | Mount Ousley | Tempe |
Botany | Gosford | Mount Pleasant | Tennyson |
Botany | Gosford West | Mount Pritchard | Tennyson Point |
Bow Bowing | Granville | Mount Riverview | Terrey Hills |
Bowen Mountain | Grasmere | Mount Saint Thomas | Terrigal |
Box Hill | Grays Point | Mount Vernon | The Basin |
Bradbury | Green Point | Mount White | The Entrance |
Brighton-le-Sands | Green Valley | Mulgoa | The Oaks |
Brightwaters | Greenacre | Narara | The Rocks |
Bringelly | Greendale | Narellan | The University Of Sydney |
Broadway | Greenfield Park | Narellan Dc | Thirlmere |
Bronte | Greenwich | Narellan Vale | Thirroul |
Brooklyn | Greystanes | Naremburn | Thornleigh |
Brookvale | Grose Vale | Narrabeen | Toongabbie |
Budgewoi | Grose Wold | Narraweena | Toongabbie East |
Buff Point | Grosvenor Place | Narwee | Toowoon Bay |
Bullaburra | Guildford | Nattai | Toronto |
Bulli | Guildford West | Nelson | Toukley |
Bundeena | Gwandalan | Neutral Bay | Towradgi |
Burwood | Gwynneville | Neutral Bay Junction | Tregear |
Burwood | Gymea | Newington | Tuggerah |
Burwood Heights | Haberfield | Newport | Tuggerawong |
Busby | Halekulani | Newport Beach | Tumbi Umbi |
Buttaba | Hammondville | Newtown | Turramurra |
Buxton | Harbord | Niagara Park | Turrella |
Cabramatta | Harbord West | Norah Head | Ultimo |
Calga | Hardys Bay | Noraville | Umina Beach |
Cambridge Park | Harrington Park | Nords Wharf | Unanderra |
Camden | Harris Park | Normanhurst | Undercliffe |
Camden Park | Hassall Grove | North Avoca | University of New South Wales |
Camellia | Hawkesbury Heights | North Curl Curl | University of New South Wales |
Cammeray | Haymarket | North Manly | University of Sydney |
Campbelltown | Haymarket | North Parramatta | University Of Wollongong |
Camperdown | Hazelbrook | North Parramatta | Valentine |
Camperdown | Heathcote | North Richmond | Valley Heights |
Campsie | Hebersham | North Rocks | Varroville |
Cams Wharf | Heckenberg | North Ryde | Vaucluse |
Canada Bay | Helensburgh | North Ryde Bc | Villawood |
Canley Heights | Henley | North Strathfield | Vineyard |
Canley Vale | Hillsdale | North Sydney | Voyager Point |
Canterbury | Hinchinbrook | North Sydney | Wahroonga |
Careel Bay | Hobartville | North Sydney Shoppingworld | Waitara |
Carey Bay | Holroyd | North Turramurra | Wakeley |
Caringbah | Holsworthy | Northbridge | Wallacia |
Caringbah | Homebush | Northbridge | Wamberal |
Carlingford | Homebush Bay | Northmead | Wangi Wangi |
Carlingford Court | Horningsea Park | Northwood | Wareemba |
Carlton | Hornsby | Oakdale | Warnervale |
Carramar | Hornsby | Oakhurst | Warragamba |
Carss Park | Hornsby Westfield | Oakville | Warrawee |
Cartwright | Horsley Park | Oatlands | Warrawong |
Castle Cove | Hoxton Park | Oatley | Warriewood |
Castle Hill | Hunters Hill | Old Guildford | Warriewood Dc |
Castle Hill | Huntleys Cove | Old Toongabbie | Warriewood Shopping Square |
Castlecrag | Huntleys Point | Orangeville | Warrimoo |
Castlereagh | Hurlstone Park | Orchard Hills | Warringah Mall |
Casula | Hurstville | Otford | Warwick Farm |
Casula Mall | Hurstville Bc | Ourimbah | Watanobbi |
Catherine Field | Hurstville Westfield | Oxford Falls | Waterfall |
Catherine Hill Bay | Illawong | Oxley Park | Waterloo |
Caves Beach | Ingleburn | Oyster Bay | Waterloo Dc |
Cawdor | Ingleburn | Paddington | Watsons Bay |
Cecil Hills | Ingleside | Padstow | Wattle Grove |
Cecil Park | Jannali | Pagewood | Waverley |
Centennial Park | Jewells | Palm Beach | Waverton |
Central Macdonald | Jilliby | Panania | Wedderburn |
Chain Valley Bay | Kangaroo Point | Parklea | Wendoree Park |
Charmhaven | Kangy Angy | Parramatta | Wentworth Falls |
Chatswood | Kanwal | Parramatta | Wentworthville |
Chatswood | Kareela | Parramatta | Werombi |
Chatswood Dc | Kariong | Parramatta Dc | Werrington |
Chatswood West | Kearns | Patonga | Werrington County |
Cheltenham | Keiraville | Patonga Beach | Werrington Downs |
Cherrybrook | Kellyville | Peakhurst | West Chatswood |
Chester Hill | Kellyville Ridge | Peakhurst Dc | West Hoxton |
Chifley | Kembla Grange | Peakhurst Heights | West Pennant Hills |
Chippendale | Kemblawarra | Pearl Beach | West Pymble |
Chipping Norton | Kemps Creek | Peats Ridge | West Ryde |
Chisholm Centre | Kensington | Pemulwuy | West Ryde |
Chiswick | Kensington | Pendle Hill | Westgate |
Chittaway Bay | Kenthurst | Pennant Hills | Westleigh |
Chittaway Point | Kentlyn | Pennant Hills | Westmead |
Chullora | Kilaben Bay | Penrith | Wetherill Park |
Church Point | Killara | Penrith | Wetherill Park Dc |
Claymore | Killarney Heights | Penrith Bc | Whalan |
Clemton Park | Killarney Vale | Penrith South Dc | Whale Beach |
Clifton | Killcare | Penshurst | Wheeler Heights |
Clontarf | Kincumber | Petersham | Wiley Park |
Clovelly | Kings Cross | Phegans Bay | Willmot |
Clovelly West | Kings Cross | Phillip Bay | Willoughby |
Clyde | Kings Langley | Picnic Point | Wilton |
Coal Point | Kings Park | Picton | Wingala |
Coalcliff | Kingsdene | Pleasure Point | Winmalee |
Cobbitty | Kingsford | Plumpton | Winston Hills |
Coledale | Kingsgrove | Point Clare | Wisemans Ferry |
Collaroy | Kingsgrove | Point Piper | Wolli Creek |
Collaroy Beach | Kingsway West | Port Botany | Wollongong |
Collaroy Plateau | Kingswood | Port Hacking | Wollongong |
Colyton | Kirrawee | Port Kembla | Wollstonecraft |
Como | Kirrawee Dc | Potts Hill | Wombarra |
Concord | Kirribilli | Potts Point | Woodbine |
Concord Repatriation Hospital | Kogarah | Potts Point | Woodcroft |
Concord West | Kogarah | Prairiewood | Woodford |
Condell Park | Kogarah Bay | Prestons | Woollahra |
Coniston | Koolewong | Prestons Dc | Woollahra |
Connells Point | Kulnura | Pretty Beach | Woolloomooloo |
Coogee | Kurmond | Primbee | Woolooware |
Cooranbong | Kurnell | Prospect | Woolwich |
Copacabana | Kurrajong | Punchbowl | Woonona |
Cordeaux Heights | Kyeemagh | Putney | Woronora |
Corrimal | Kyle Bay | Pymble | Woronora Heights |
Couridjah | La Perouse | Pyrmont | Woy Woy |
Cowan | Lake Haven | Quakers Hill | Wyee |
Cranebrook | Lake Heights | Queen Victoria Building | Wyoming |
Cremorne | Lake Munmorah | Queens Park | Wyong |
Cremorne Junction | Lakemba | Queenscliff | Wyongah |
Cringila | Lakemba Dc | Raby | Yagoona |
Cromer | Lakesland | Ramsgate | Yagoona West |
Cronulla | Lalor Park | Ramsgate Beach | Yarramalong |
Croudace Bay | Lane Cove | Randwick | Yarramundi |
Crows Nest | Lane Cove | Rathmines | Yarrawarrah |
Crows Nest | Lane Cove West | Ravensdale | Yarrawonga Park |
Croydon | Lansvale | Razorback | Yattalunga |
Croydon Park | Lapstone | Redfern | Yellow Rock |
Curl Curl | Laughtondale | Regents Park | Yennora |
Currans Hill | Lavender Bay | Regentville | Yowie Bay |
Gaming PC Retailers in Sydney | Zetland |

One of The Best Gaming PC Retailers In Sydney
We don’t just care about the PC. Buying a custom PC from us is like asking a friend to put their heart and soul into getting you the best PC for your specific needs. Each PC is built with care and attention to the best of the parts chosen. That’s why we are considered one of the best gaming PC retailers in Sydney.
We check each PC to ensure the specs you have chosen are going to work together.
Our live build tracker always shows you the latest information, so you don’t have to guess where your build is up to. Each PC is a project.
Each PC is carefully crafted with our Australian based team of system builders, using parts that were meant for the Australian market.
We ensure the system is running in tip top condition. We update the BIOS, all drivers, and then benchmark each one against similar hardware to make sure it runs like a jet-plane.
Our service is second to none, before and after the PC is built. Whether you need advice on a new PC, help with an issue, or upgrade advice. We’re here for you with fast replies.
Lifetime phone/email support as standard. 3 year labour warranty and 3 tier parts warranty options gives you peace of mind. This is also why we only use Australian sourced parts for quicker turnaround.