Looking for a new custom gaming PC in Melbourne?
Melbourne's best computer store
You've come to the right place
- Do you need a powerful custom PC built for you that will keep longevity and upgradeability front of mind?
- Do you need peace of mind knowing that your new PC was built in Australia, using Australia sourced parts, with a local Aussie warranty?
- Do you need something special that you can’t just buy off the shelf?
We can help you find the PC you need, build it for you and support you for it’s entire life.
We’ve delivered PCs all around Melbourne.
Each PC is built by professionally trained PC builders and as a customer, you are never left guessing thanks to our unique build tracker board that everyone loves.
You can see the updates in real time. When we fit the motherboard, when we installed the graphics card, when we tested the performance and when we package it up, ready to go.
See for yourself:

Raising the bar
“Great customer service with fantastic communication during the build. The PC is excellent quality and built with care. Would highly recommend to anyone.”
“Amazing and transparent services, let me see everything that happened during the build. Amazing customer service. Would recommend to anyone.”
“I love my new machine, thanks a lot! I was very impressed with both the quality of the work and the quality of the interaction, with complete transparency about the build process and frequent communication.”
Melbourne suburbs we deliver to
Abbotsford | Cranbourne North | Kensington | Regent West |
Aberfeldie | Cranbourne South | Keon Park | Research |
Airport West | Cremorne | Kerrimuir | Reservoir |
Albanvale | Crib Point | Kew | Richmond |
Albert Park | Cromer | Kew East | Ringwood |
Albion | Croydon | Keysborough | Ringwood East |
Alphington | Croydon Hills | Kilsyth | Ringwood North |
Altona | Croydon North | Kilsyth South | Ripponlea |
Altona Meadows | Croydon South | Kings Park | Robinson |
Altona North | Dallas | Kingsbury | Rockbank |
Ardeer | Dandenong | Kingsville | Rosanna |
Armadale | Dandenong South | Knox City Centre | Rosebud |
Armadale North | Dandenong South | Knoxfield | Rosebud West |
Arthurs Creek | Darling | Kooyong | Rowville |
Arthurs Seat | Deer Park | Kunyung | Roxburgh Park |
Ascot Vale | Deer Park East | Kurunjang | Royal Melbourne Hospital |
Ashburton | Delahey | Laburnum | Rye |
Ashwood | Dendy | Lalor | Safety Beach |
Aspendale | Derrimut | Langwarrin | Saint Helena |
Aspendale Gardens | Devon Meadows | Launching Place | Sandown Village |
Attwood | Diamond Creek | Laverton | Sandringham |
Avondale Heights | Diggers Rest | Laverton North | Sassafras |
Avonsleigh | Dingley Village | Law Courts | Sassafras Gully |
Balaclava | Dixons Creek | Lilydale | Scoresby |
Balnarring | Docklands | Lower Plenty | Scoresby Bc |
Balwyn | Doncaster | Lynbrook | Seabrook |
Balwyn North | Doncaster East | Lyndhurst | Seaford |
Bangholme | Doncaster Heights | Lysterfield | Seaholme |
Banyule | Donnybrook | Macclesfield | Seddon |
Baxter | Donvale | Macleod | Seddon West |
Bayswater | Doveton | Maidstone | Selby |
Bayswater North | Dromana | Main Ridge | Seville |
Beaconsfield | Eaglemont | Malvern | Sherbrooke |
Beaconsfield Upper | East Melbourne | Malvern East | Shoreham |
Beaumaris | East Melbourne | Maribyrnong | Silvan |
Bedford Road | Edithvale | Mccrae | Skye |
Belgrave | Elsternwick | Mckinnon | Somers |
Belvedere Park | Eltham | Meadow Heights | Somerton |
Bend Of Islands | Eltham North | Melbourne | Somerville |
Bennettswood | Elwood | Melbourne Airport | Sorrento |
Bentleigh | Emerald | Melbourne University | South Kingsville |
Bentleigh East | Endeavour Hills | Melton | South Melbourne |
Berwick | Epping | Mentone | South Melbourne Dc |
Bittern | Epping Dc | Menzies Creek | South Morang |
Black Rock | Essendon | Merlynston | South Yarra |
Blackburn | Essendon North | Merricks | Southbank |
Blackburn North | Essendon West | Merricks Beach | Southland Centre |
Blackburn South | Fairfield | Merricks North | Spotswood |
Blairgowrie | Fawkner | Mickleham | Springvale |
Bonbeach | Ferntree Gully | Middle Camberwell | Springvale South |
Boronia | Ferny Creek | Middle Park | St Albans |
Box Hill | Fingal | Mill Park | St Andrews Beach |
Box Hill North | Fitzroy | Mitcham | St Kilda |
Box Hill South | Fitzroy North | Monbulk | St Kilda East |
Braeside | Five Ways | Mont Albert | St Kilda Road |
Braybrook | Flemington | Mont Albert North | St Kilda Road Central |
Brentford Square | Flinders | Montmorency | St Kilda South |
Briar Hill | Flinders Lane | Montrose | St Kilda West |
Brighton | Footscray | Moonee Ponds | Steels Creek |
Brighton East | Forest Hill | Moorabbin | Strathewen |
Brighton Road | Fountain Gate | Moorabbin Airport | Strathmore |
Broadmeadows | Frankston | Moorabbin East | Strathmore Heights |
Brooklyn | Frankston North | Moorooduc | Studfield |
Brunswick | Garden City | Mooroolbark | Sunbury |
Brunswick East | Gardenvale | Mordialloc | Sunshine |
Brunswick West | Gladstone Park | Moreland | Surrey Hills |
Bulla | Glen Huntly | Mornington | Sydenham |
Bulleen | Glen Iris | Mount Cottrell | Syndal |
Bundoora | Glen Waverley | Mount Dandenong | Tarneit |
Burnley | Glenroy | Mount Eliza | Taylors Lakes |
Burnside | Gowanbrae | Mount Evelyn | Tecoma |
Burwood | Greensborough | Mount Martha | Templestowe |
Burwood East | Greenvale | Mount Waverley | Templestowe Lower |
Burwood Heights | Gruyere | Mountain Gate | The Basin |
Cairnlea | Guys Hill | Mulgrave | The Patch |
Camberwell | Hadfield | Murrumbeena | Thomastown |
Camberwell East | Hallam | Narre Warren | Thornbury |
Camberwell North | Hampton | Narre Warren East | Toolangi |
Camberwell South | Hampton East | Narre Warren North | Toolern Vale |
Camberwell West | Hampton North | Newport | Toorak |
Campbellfield | Hampton Park | Niddrie | Tootgarook |
Cannons Creek | Harkaway | Noble Park | Tottenham |
Canterbury | Hastings | Noble Park North | Travancore |
Carlton | Hawksburn | North Melbourne | Truganina |
Carlton North | Hawthorn | North Road | Tuerong |
Carlton South | Hawthorn East | North Warrandyte | Tullamarine |
Carnegie | Healesville | Northcote | Tunstall Square Po |
Caroline Springs | Heatherton | Northland Centre | Tyabb |
Carrum | Heathmont | Notting Hill | University Of Melbourne |
Carrum Downs | Heidelberg | Nunawading | Upper Ferntree Gully |
Caulfield | Heidelberg Heights | Nunawading Bc | Upwey |
Caulfield East | Heidelberg Rgh | Nutfield | Vermont |
Caulfield Junction | Heidelberg West | Oak Park | Vermont South |
Caulfield North | Highett | Oaklands Junction | Viewbank |
Caulfield South | Highpoint City | Oakleigh | Wandin North |
Central Park | Hillside | Oakleigh East | Wantirna |
Chadstone | Hmas Cerberus | Oakleigh South | Wantirna South |
Chelsea | Hoddles Creek | Officer | Warrandyte |
Chelsea Heights | Holmesglen | Olinda | Warrandyte South |
Cheltenham | Hopetoun Gardens | Ormond | Warranwood |
Cheltenham East | Hoppers Crossing | Pakenham | Waterways |
Chirnside Park | Hotham Hill | Pakenham Upper | Watsonia |
Christmas Hills | Houston | Park Orchards | Watsons Creek |
Clarinda | Hughesdale | Parkdale | Wattle Glen |
Clayton | Huntingdale | Parkville | Wattle Park |
Clayton South | Hurstbridge | Pascoe Vale | Werribee |
Clematis | Ivanhoe | Pascoe Vale South | West Footscray |
Clifton Hill | Ivanhoe East | Patterson Lakes | West Melbourne |
Coatesville | Jacana | Pearcedale | Westmeadows |
Coburg | Kalkallo | Pines Forest | Wheelers Hill |
Coburg North | Kallista | Plenty | Williamstown |
Cockatoo | Kalorama | Point Cook | Windsor |
Coldstream | Kangaroo Ground | Port Melbourne | Wishart |
Collingwood | Karingal | Portsea | Wonga Park |
Collins Street East | Kealba | Prahran | Woori Yallock |
Collins Street West | Keilor | Preston | World Trade Centre |
Coolaroo | Keilor Downs | Preston South | Wyndham Vale |
Cottles Bridge | Keilor East | Rangeview | Yallambie |
Craigieburn | Keilor North | Red Hill | Yarra Glen |
Cranbourne | Keilor Park | Red Hill South | Yarrambat |
Yarraville | |||
Yarraville West | |||
Yellingbo | |||
Yuroke |

Not just a Melbourne Gaming PC
We don’t just care about the PC. Buying a custom PC from us is like asking a friend to put their heart and soul into getting you the best PC for your specific needs. Each PC is built with care and attention to the best of the parts chosen.
We check each PC to ensure the specs you have chosen are going to work together.
Our live build tracker always shows you the latest information, so you don’t have to guess where your build is up to. Each PC is a project.
Each PC is carefully crafted with our Australian based team of system builders, using parts that were meant for the Australian market.
We ensure the system is running in tip top condition. We update the BIOS, all drivers, and then benchmark each one against similar hardware to make sure it runs like a jet-plane.
Our service is second to none, before and after the PC is built. Whether you need advice on a new PC, help with an issue, or upgrade advice. We’re here for you with fast replies.
Lifetime phone/email support as standard. 3 year labour warranty and 3 tier parts warranty options gives you peace of mind. This is also why we only use Australian sourced parts for quicker turnaround.