Looking for a new custom gaming PC in Perth?
Perth's best computer store
You've come to the right place
- Do you need a powerful custom PC built for you that will keep longevity and upgradeability front of mind?
- Do you need peace of mind knowing that your new PC was built in Australia, using Australia sourced parts, with a local Aussie warranty?
- Do you need something special that you can’t just buy off the shelf?
We can help you find the PC you need, build it for you and support you for it’s entire life.
We’ve delivered PCs all around Perth.
Each PC is built by professionally trained PC builders and as a customer, you are never left guessing thanks to our unique build tracker board that everyone loves.
You can see the updates in real time. When we fit the motherboard, when we installed the graphics card, when we tested the performance and when we package it up, ready to go.
See for yourself:

Raising the bar
“Great customer service with fantastic communication during the build. The PC is excellent quality and built with care. Would highly recommend to anyone.”
“Amazing and transparent services, let me see everything that happened during the build. Amazing customer service. Would recommend to anyone.”
“I love my new machine, thanks a lot! I was very impressed with both the quality of the work and the quality of the interaction, with complete transparency about the build process and frequent communication.”
Perth suburbs we deliver to
Alexander Heights | Dwellingup | Lexia | Piesse Brook |
Alfred Cove | East Bunbury | Lockridge | Pinjar |
Alkimos | East Fremantle | Lower Chittering | Pinjarra |
Anketell | East Perth | Lynwood | Point Grey |
Applecross | East Perth | Maddington | Port Kennedy |
Applecross | East Rockingham | Maddington | Postans |
Ardross | East Victoria Park | Madeley | Queens Park |
Armadale | East Victoria Park | Madora Bay | Quinns Rocks |
Armadale | Eaton | Mahogany Creek | Ravenswood |
Ascot | Eden Hill | Maida Vale | Red Hill |
Ashby | Edgewater | Malaga | Redcliffe |
Ashfield | Eglinton | Malaga | Reservoir |
Attadale | Ellenbrook | Malaga Dc | Ridgewood |
Atwell | Ellenbrook East | Mandogalup | Riverton |
Aubin Grove | Embleton | Mandurah | Rivervale |
Australind | Erskine | Mandurah East | Rockingham |
Balcatta | Etmilyn | Mandurah North | Rockingham |
Balcatta | Fairbridge | Manning | Rockingham Beach |
Baldivis | Falcon | Marangaroo | Rockingham Dc |
Balga | Ferndale | Mardella | Roleystone |
Ballajura | Floreat | Mariginiup | Rossmoyne |
Banjup | Forrestdale | Marmion | Rottnest Island |
Banksia Grove | Forrestfield | Marrinup | Royal Australian Navy Warships |
Banksiadale | Fremantle | Martin | Safety Bay |
Barragup | Fremantle | Maylands | Salter Point |
Baskerville | Furnissdale | Maylands | Samson |
Bassendean | Gabbadah | Meadow Springs | San Remo |
Bassendean | Garden Island | Medina | Sawyers Valley |
Bassendean Dc | Gelorup | Meelon | Scarborough |
Bateman | Gidgegannup | Melaleuca | Scarborough |
Bayswater | Girrawheen | Melville | Seabird |
Bayswater | Glen Forrest | Melville | Secret Harbour |
Beaconsfield | Glen Iris | Menora | Serpentine |
Beckenham | Glendalough | Merriwa | Seville Grove |
Bedford | Glengarry | Middle Swan | Shelley |
Bedfordale | Gnangara | Midland | Shenton Park |
Beechboro | Golden Bay | Midland Dc | Shoalwater |
Beeliar | Gooseberry Hill | Midvale | Silver Sands |
Beldon | Gosnells | Millbridge | Sinagra |
Belhus | Gosnells | Millendon | Singleton |
Bellevue | Greenfields | Mindarie | Solus |
Belmont | Greenmount | Mirrabooka | Sorrento |
Belmont | Greenwood | Mirrabooka | South Bunbury |
Bentley | Greenwood | Morangup | South Fremantle |
Bentley | Guilderton | Morley | South Guildford |
Bentley Dc | Guildford | Morley | South Lake |
Bertram | Guildford | Mosman Park | South Perth |
Bibra Lake | Gwelup | Mosman Park | South Perth |
Bibra Lake Dc | Hacketts Gully | Mount Claremont | South Yunderup |
Bickley | Halls Head | Mount Hawthorn | Southern River |
Bicton | Hamersley | Mount Hawthorn | Spearwood |
Binningup | Hamilton Hill | Mount Helena | St James |
Birchmont | Hamilton Hill | Mount Lawley | Stake Hill |
Blythewood | Hammond Park | Mount Lawley | Stirling |
Booragoon | Hazelmere | Mount Nasura | Stoneville |
Booragoon | Heathridge | Mount Pleasant | Stratton |
Bouvard | Helena Valley | Mount Richon | Subiaco |
Boya | Henderson | Mullaloo | Subiaco |
Brentwood | Henley Brook | Mundaring | Success |
Breton Bay | Herne Hill | Mundijong | Success |
Brigadoon | Herron | Munster | Swan View |
Broadway Nedlands | High Wycombe | Murdoch | Swanbourne |
Brookdale | Highgate | Myara | Tamala Park |
Bull Creek | Hillarys | Myaree | Tapping |
Bullsbrook | Hillarys | Myaree Bc | Teesdale |
Bunbury | Hillman | Nambeelup | The Spectacles |
Bunbury | Hilton | Naval Base | The Vines |
Burns Beach | Hocking | Nedlands | Thornlie |
Burswood | Holyoake | Nedlands | Thornlie |
Butler | Hope Valley | Nedlands | Trigg |
Byford | Hopeland | Neerabup | Tuart Hill |
Calista | Hovea | Nilgen | Tuart Hill |
Canning Bridge Applecross | Huntingdale | Nirimba | Two Rocks |
Canning Mills | Iluka | Nollamara | Upper Swan |
Canning Vale | Inglehope | Noranda | Usher |
Canning Vale Dc | Inglewood | North Beach | Victoria Park |
Canning Vale South | Inglewood | North Beach | Victoria Park |
Cannington | Innaloo | North Dandalup | Vittoria |
Cannington | Innaloo | North Fremantle | Viveash |
Caraban | Jandabup | North Lake | Waikiki |
Carabooda | Jandakot | North Perth | Walliston |
Cardup | Jane Brook | North Perth | Walliston Dc |
Carey Park | Jarrahdale | North Yunderup | Wandi |
Carine | Jindalee | Northbridge | Wangara |
Carlisle | Jolimont | Northbridge | Wangara Dc |
Carmel | Joondalup | Northlands | Wannanup |
Carramar | Joondalup Dc | Nowergup | Wanneroo |
Casuarina | Joondanna | O’connor | Wanneroo |
Caversham | Kalamunda | Oakford | Warnbro |
Champion Lakes | Kalamunda | Oakley | Warwick |
Chittering | Kallaroo | Ocean Reef | Waterford |
Churchlands | Karakin | Oldbury | Watermans Bay |
City Beach | Karawara | Orange Grove | Wattle Grove |
Claremont | Kardinya | Orelia | Wattleup |
Claremont | Karnup | Osborne Park | Wedge Island |
Claremont North | Karragullen | Osborne Park | Wellard |
Clarkson | Karrakatta | Osborne Park | Wellesley |
Clifton | Karrakup | Osborne Park Dc | Welshpool |
Cloisters Square | Karrinyup | Padbury | Welshpool Dc |
Cloverdale | Karrinyup | Palmyra | Wembley |
Cloverdale | Kelmscott | Palmyra | Wembley |
College Grove | Kelmscott | Palmyra Dc | Wembley Downs |
Como | Kelmscott Dc | Parkerville | West Coolup |
Como | Kensington | Parkfield | West Leederville |
Connolly | Kenwick | Parklands | West Leederville |
Coodanup | Kewdale | Parkwood | West Perth |
Coogee | Keysbrook | Parmelia | West Perth |
Coolbellup | Kiara | Paulls Valley | West Pinjarra |
Coolbinia | Kings Park | Pearsall | West Swan |
Cooloongup | Kingsley | Pelican Point | Westfield |
Coolup | Kingsway | Peppermint Grove | Westminster |
Cottesloe | Kinross | Peron | Whitby |
Cottesloe | Koondoola | Perth | White Gum Valley |
Craigie | Koongamia | Perth | Whiteman |
Crawley | Kwinana | Perth | Whittaker |
Cullacabardee | Kwinana Beach | Perth | Wilbinga |
Currambine | Kwinana Town Centre | Perth | Willagee |
Daglish | Lakelands | Perth | Willagee Central |
Dalkeith | Lancelin | Perth | Willetton |
Dalyellup | Landsdale | Perth | Willetton |
Darch | Langford | Perth | Wilson |
Darling Downs | Lathlain | Perth | Winthrop |
Darlington | Leda | Perth | Withers |
Davenport | Ledge Point | Perth | Woodbridge |
Dawesville | Leederville | Perth | Woodlands |
Dianella | Leederville | Perth Airport | Woodridge |
Dog Swamp | Leederville | Perth Bc | Woodvale |
Doubleview | Leeming | Perth East St Georges Tce | Wungong |
Dudley Park | Leschenault | Perth St Georges Tce | Yanchep |
Duncraig | Lesmurdie | Pickering Brook | Yangebup |
Yokine |

Not just a PC
We don’t just care about the PC. Buying a custom PC from us is like asking a friend to put their heart and soul into getting you the best PC for your specific needs. Each PC is built with care and attention to the best of the parts chosen.
We check each PC to ensure the specs you have chosen are going to work together.
Our live build tracker always shows you the latest information, so you don’t have to guess where your build is up to. Each PC is a project.
Each PC is carefully crafted with our Australian based team of system builders, using parts that were meant for the Australian market.
We ensure the system is running in tip top condition. We update the BIOS, all drivers, and then benchmark each one against similar hardware to make sure it runs like a jet-plane.
Our service is second to none, before and after the PC is built. Whether you need advice on a new PC, help with an issue, or upgrade advice. We’re here for you with fast replies.
Lifetime phone/email support as standard. 3 year labour warranty and 3 tier parts warranty options gives you peace of mind. This is also why we only use Australian sourced parts for quicker turnaround.